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Révélez Votre Leadership Grâce à notre Coaching basé sur la Méthode Proctor Gallagher

Découvrez Comment Surmonter les Croyances Limitantes et Créer un Paradigme de Succès pour une Vie et Entreprise Prospère

I grew up in a family where I saw my mother working all the time, she had very little time to take care of me, my sister and my brothers…

She was a seamstress, she worked from home. She let us do what we wanted at home. What was important to her was that we have good grades in school and that we go to the Church.

As I can recall, making up my bed every morning or tidying up my things was not a top priority for me.

When I got married, it became a problem. I was living with my mother-in-law and she always wanted everything to be in order.

I must admit that this sometimes outraged me, because whenever my things were not tidy, I found myself in a mess. As a matter of fact, I didn’t think it was that important, Isn’t it?

Earning money and taking care of my children was a priority. But I was wrong, and I didn’t know it at that time.

So Eric was born. I wanted to get him into good habits as soon as possible.

I wanted to teach him discipline. Eat on time. Go to bed on time. What if I wasn’t the one reminding him to put his room in order or his toys in order. My mother-in-law reminded him of that.

He’s gotten used to it. He had very good habits. He became methodical and persistent in his work, very orderly. His room was always tidy, but not mine. I looked at him and I was very proud of him.

Then I started working with Bob Proctor and Bob often repeated in all his programs or seminars how important it was to be organized. He even threatened a client that he would no longer be coached if he did not put his house and garage in order.

It made me realize how important order is to success. I started to force myself to tidy up, to be orderly, to have my desk tidy and clean.



Today, I realize how important order, discipline and perseverance are. It was not easy for me to change my habits but I did it because I had a model in front of me. I had a motivation and I had a goal.

Thanks to this, today my objectives are well organized in my head and my vision is clear. You too, in your life, you have someone like my son Eric, someone who is there to help you progress on your journey. So in your heart thank this person and bless him or her because without knowing it, he or she helps you become a better person and succeed.

Perhaps you need help to change your habits?

Are you able to achieve your goals?

What’s stopping you?

Why don’t you take advantage of my help? Click to book your strategy session.